Entrepreneurship. It’s ideal in many ways. And if this business you’re in the process of building just happens to be something that came from a hobby you had, then you’ve probably haven’t stopped hearing from your friends how lucky they think you are, because your hobby won’t ever feel like work. You’re the captain of your ship, running your own operation. You essentially are the boss of you.
What your friends and family working in 9-5s don’t realise is how lonely and trying entrepreneurship can get. Days will come with their rejections and letdowns, and some days you’ll just not feel like doing it for even one more day. But you’ll have to get up and show up constantly for yourself, because in this business where your “we”s are most often just you and maybe your laptop, you have to be your biggest fan first. You have to believe in the validity of your own venture before you can expect anyone else to take that leap of faith as well.